The carob forest of the “Three Churches” at the Asteroussia mountains

The carob forest of the Three Churches is located 64 km south of Heraklion, next to the settlement and the beach of the Three Churches. It is the largest natural carob forest in Europe and is located in one of the most isolated areas in Europe, difficult to access, through an inaccessible dirt road 10 km long, which runs through the wild Asterousia Mountains and ends at the beach.

The slopes of the mountains that end at the beach are overgrown with large carob trees. The carob forest of the Three Churches is almost unknown to everyone. The resistant locusts thrive in arid and rocky areas and are quite far from each other.

Their fruit looks like a bean and is hard and sweet. The Cretans used to eat it as a dessert, while it is still a healthy substitute for chocolate.

Προηγούμενο άρθροO πρώτος 17άρης οδηγός στην Ελλάδα – Οι προϋποθέσεις που ισχύουν
Επόμενο άρθροΟ θηλασμός μειώνει τον κίνδυνο καρδιαγγειακής νόσου ή εγκεφαλικού στις γυναίκες